Bristol Harbour Festival
Photography Competition


Throughout the 2024 Bristol Harbour Festival, the Upper Reaches ‘Wide-beam Barge’ will be transformed into a floating photography exhibition and a wellbeing hub. Visitors to the festival will be able to come on board the barge to view the exhibition or to take some time out in the wellbeing hub.

The festival is due to take place between Friday 19th to Sunday 21st July.

Photography Competition

The theme to the competition is - ‘Life around the harbourside’ and we will be accepting entries in 4 different categories.

  1. Harbour Scenes

  2. Sunset / Sunrise

  3. Portraits and People

  4. Water Sports

Anyone can enter and we are in the process of arranging some amazing prizes for the best photos in each category. All photos that are entered will be available to view online for the duration of the festival and 50 of the best photos will be exhibited on the barge.

Throughout the festival the barge will be moored in the ‘Broken Dock’ near the cross harbour ferry, opposite the SS Great Britain. The opening hours for the exhibition will be posted on this page nearer to the start of the festival.

Competition Prizes

We have received some very generous donations for prizes for the competition and are hoping to receive some more and will be updating this page as often as we can. Confirmed prizes so far are:

If you are a local harbourside business and would like to donate a prize, please email us the details.

How to Enter and Terms and Conditions

We are expecting a huge interest in the competition so to ensure as many people as possible have the opportunity to see their photograph displayed in the exhibition, we have written some Terms and Conditions that are detailed below to help manage the entries.

  1. Each person can enter just 1 photograph in each of the 4 categories, which is a maximum of 4 photos per person.

  2. There is no guarantee that your entry will be included in the exhibition

  3. You will be notified by email if your photograph has been selected to be in the exhibition

  4. All photos that are included in the exhibition will be auctioned after the festival to raise money for charity. More information on how to submit a bid for the auction will be published nearer the time.

  5. Entry to the competition is free of charge, however, the competition and exhibition are being organised by a charity and resourced by volunteers. A no obligation donation for your entry would be very much appreciated.

  6. Entry to the competition will close on the 7th July 2024 to ensure we have sufficient time to select photographs for the exhibition and to arrange printing etc. Any entries received after this date will not be included in the competition.

  7. Photos should be submitted at the best quality possible, with ideally 5000 pixels on the long side at 300dpi. Any photos submitted that don’t have sufficient quality to be printed will be excluded from the exhibition.

  8. All photographs should have been taken during 2024 and any photographs taken before 2024 will not be included in the competition.

  9. Entries should be emailed to - Please include your Name, Age and the Category that you are entering a photograph for.


about the Categories

Here is a little more information about the categories to help you enter the best possible photographs. The overall theme of the competition is ‘Life around the Harbour’ so all entries must relate to this theme. We want to see photos that really depict what it is like to live on the water, to work either on the water or directly around it, and also what its like to visit the harbourside.

Harbour Scenes

This could be photographs of key landmarks or buildings. They could include a wide shot of activities, boats or people. They should include the water within the frame

Sunrise / Sunset

Photos taken around the harbour at either sunrise or a sunset. The more dramatic and spectacular the better.

Portraits and People

We would love to have some amazing entries that show people around the harbour. Close ups, and crowd shots are both ok. It could be people visiting the harbourside, working on or around the harbour, or those living on the water. Photos that show emotion and connection with the subject that tell a story will be most likely to be included in the exhibition.

Any photos submitted that strongly depict what life is like living on the water will also be strong contenders.

Water Sports

We are looking for any photos that include water sports in the harbour. These can include rowing, sailing, paddle boarding, leisure boating, sea cadets and sailing clubs.

Wellbeing HUB

A small seating space will be available at the end of the barge for you to take some time out during the festival. You are welcome to come on board and to have a few moments of quiet and rest. Our team of volunteers will be available to welcome and support you while you are on board.


SUPPORT the Harbour Festival Photograph Competition

This competition is being run by a local charity and will be managed by volunteers. We are estimating the cost of the competition and the exhibition at the to be between £3500 and £5000.

There is no cost to enter the competition and to participate, however, a no obligation donation towards the running of the competition would be very much appreciated.

You can make a donation to our Just Giving Campaign by clicking the button below.



The photography competition and the wellbeing hub are being sponsored by a number of organisations. If you would like to provide sponsorship to help cover the cost of this project, please get in touch.